Monday, September 30, 2013



  1. Hi,Mr.張海清. My name is Natsuka (なつか) and I am a first year student at Ritsumeikan university and I am studying business administration. I am from Japan and live in a town called Nara(なら). I hear that you are studying Japanese and I also studying English. I actually stayed in Canada for a year about 2years ago and it was oe of my fantastic experiences and I learned many cultural things as well.
    I have some questions for you. Where do you live in America? What’s your major? And one more thing, what do you do in your free time?
    well, I think this chatting on this blog is gonna be good for each other to learn each language more. Nice to see you and hope you enjoy talking on this blog with me :)
    Take care.

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    2. なつかさん、はじめまして、どうぞよろしく。I live in NYC. I play basketball and Golf when I don't have class. あなたのなまえ漢字ではなんですか、おいくつですか。お願いします。

  2. 帳さん、はじめまして。TAのすがです。 にほんごはたのしいですか? きっと、12月には、とてもじょうずににほんごを話せるようになっていると思いますので、がんばってください! (すてきな背景ですね)

    1. すが先生、はじめまして。にほんごはおもしろいです。ありがどうございます。

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  4. 帳さん、返信ありがとうざいます。Thank you for answering the questions and sounds you like sports very much ! NYCに住んでいるなんてとってもうらやましいです!

    1. なつかさん、NYCはおもしろいです、きましたか。I also like doing other stuff, I traveled a lot, have been to Australia, New Zealand, also I lived in London for about 6 years but never got a chance to go to Japan, maybe in the future, what you like to do over there?

  5. 帳さん、私はNYCに行ったことがありません。ぜひ行きたいです!
    I like traveling as well actually I am planning to go to France as an exchange student for a semester from next year. I am interested in Europe and how did you like liveing in London ??

    If you visit Japan, I really recommend to go shopping in Osaka and sightseeing in Kyoto. Osaka is my farvorite sity cause they got many places to shop and quite fun to go or walk around. For Kyoto, there are alot of traditional places you can enjoy and also you can have really good food there ! I really hope you enjoy visiting Japan in the future !

    1. こんにちは、Londonはとてもおもしろいです, そしてきれいですね。You can find many Japanese people in London and there is a Japanese town, very interesting place,
